Benefits Of CBD For Skin

Surprising health benefits of CBD for Skincare

Experts often tout the virtues of SPF, retinol, and hyaluronic acid when it comes to combating fine lines, acne, and skincare. Still, there’s a new ingredient to add to your CBD for skincare routine – and it’s all-natural. 

According to Dr. Jeannette Jacknin (a board-certified dermatologist, author, national speaker, and consultant specializing in topical cannabinoids and skin disorders), CBD may offer many skin benefits and even anti-aging properties. “CBD is an anti-inflammatory agent, and inflammation can be responsible for the aging of the skin and beyond. So, incorporating it into a routine could prove to be beneficial.”

Here are some of our insights on CBD for skin. 

The science behind it

Cannabinoid receptors have been discovered in keratinocytes, or skin cells, and other parts of the skin such as the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, small nerves, and immune cells. “CBD interacts with them as part of the skin’s endocannabinoid system,” explains Dr. Jacknin. “In other words, CBD may support health and beauty on multiple levels throughout the body.” 

One study in 2007 identified that cannabinoids inhibit the overproduction of skin cells that could play a role in helping skin health. But here are 7 healthy and scientifically backed ways that CBD oil assists in skincare.

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1. May help reduce acne

Based on recent scientific studies, CBD oil can help the skin by treating acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce sebum production. 

One test-tube study found that CBD for skin prevented sebaceous gland cells from secreting excessive sebum, exerting anti-inflammatory actions and preventing the activation of ‘pro-acne’ agents like inflammatory cytokines. 

Another study had similar findings, concluding that CBD may be an efficient and safe way to treat acne, thanks in part to its remarkable anti-inflammatory qualities. Though these results are promising, human studies exploring the effects of CBD on acne are needed. 

2. May help reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Because it comes from a plant, it’s not a surprising fact that CBD oil also has antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in CBD help lessen the visible signs of aging by counteracting free-radical damage and reducing the look of inflammation. CBD anti-wrinkle creams visibly diminish issues like wrinkles, skin dullness, and ruddy skin tone. 

Of course, there are plenty of other antioxidants out there that can make the same claims, so CBD isn’t the only or best antioxidant to seek out. Rather, it’s just one of the many to consider, and the more of these ingredients you give to your skin, the better it is. 

3. Anti-aging properties

As you age, your CBD for skin, which is the largest organ, starts to show aging signs such as red skin tone, skin dullness, and wrinkles. To keep the skin in its perfect condition, you might have to inculcate the use of anti-aging creams or lotions. Although there are several products available in the market that can reduce the effects of aging, most of them are not effective like CBD oil products. 

CBD oil plays a vital role in keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. It has antioxidant properties that allow the products to reduce the visible signs of skin-ageing. Hemp plants that produce CBD oil contain two fatty acids, Omega 6 and Omega 3, which stimulate the production of collagen and prevent excessive water loss. This helps in keeping your skin hydrated and good-looking. 

Furthermore, CBD oil is gentle to use with fewer side effects than most medications. CBD oil’s properties help it stand out from the rest of the antioxidants with similar claims. It doesn’t just make your skin look better, it promotes overall skin health as well.

4. Alleviates Psoriasis 

Psoriasis is an autoimmune illness that attacks healthy skin cells. This skin condition accelerates the life cycle of skin cells by causing the cells to multiply quickly on the surface of the skin. Patients of the disease have patches of abnormal skin due to the extra skin cells, forming scales and red spots. 

Although Psoriasis can’t spread through body contact, the skin can be hard to handle. Its symptoms cause lots of pain to the sufferer and there are limited effective methods for dealing with the condition. To relieve them of the pain and inflammation, rapid skin cell multiplication needs to reduce, which is something that CBD oil can deliver. The compound also contains anti-inflammatory features, which are crucial in soothing the pain caused by psoriasis. 

5. Suits sensitive skin

Another benefit of CBD for skin oil is that it has been found to have significant soothing properties. Its substantial skin-calming and skin-normalizing effects can help minimize issues related to skin sensitivity, including redness and reactivity. Since all skin types are affected daily by environmental stressors, CBD’s soothing mechanism can help keep every skin type in check. 

6. Heals dry skin

Regardless of the cause, managing dry skin is not the easiest thing to do. When you have dry skin, even maintaining the moisture using medications can be hard because there is a temptation to over-moisturize, preventing the skin from producing oil. Besides, dry skin can lead to pain due to toughness and itchiness. 

CBD oil products have anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing benefits. It helps stop the peeling of the skin, rough patches, cuts, and cracks. The oil interacts with your skin glands regulating the production of oil. As a result, it not only helps your skin to prevent the overproduction of oil, but it also helps dry skin to increase oil production. So if you’re suffering from a serious case of dry skin, you should try using CBD products. 

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7. Managing Eczema

A condition that affects about 31.6% of Americans, Eczema causes the patches of skin to crack, turn red and become inflamed. Despite being so common, there is no permanent cure for this disease yet. CBD oil can help in treating this skin condition because it can relieve skin dryness and reduce inflammation. It also has a strong relation to the endocannabinoid system, which directly relates to allergic inflammation believed to be the leading cause of eczema. 

For the best CBD for skincare, head on over to Califia Gold’s website. As California’s industry-leading cannabis firm, Califia Gold provides you with good–quality, safe, and effective CBD products.

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